Do you have an opportunity that you'd like to share? Please send it to me at tammy@easternontarionetwork.com
Brockville - The 1000 Islands Mall is looking for some Volunteer face painters for the Easter Bunny's arrival Day. Please contact Sarah Laturnus at 613-342-1333 or e-mail slaturnus@strathallen.com. Visit the mall's website at http://www.1000islandsmall.com
Brockville - An MS Auction in Support of The 2014 MS Walk in Brockville is looking for the donation of auction items to support their fundraising efforts. Cash donations are also appreciated. Please visit the Auction page on Facebook or contact Kory Crowder at astjohn@cogeco.ca ~ Kory's fundraising efforts are currently the #1 for our area! Donate Online! Thanks for supporting this community effort!
Brockville - Developmental Services is looking for manpower for their distress line. 1-2 Shifts for month, training provided. For more information please contact the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau at 613-345-7000 or e-mail info@volunteercentre.ca. Visit the Centre at http://www.volunteercentre.ca
Brockville - Providence Care Head Injury Services needs one on one social participants. For more information please contact the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau at 613-345-7000 or e-mail info@volunteercentre.ca. Visit the Centre at http://www.volunteercentre.ca
Cardinal - The Cardinal Youth Group and Cardinal Community Garden are seeking fan blades - these can be from no longer functioning fans, car motors, lawn mowers etc. They would like to collect 15-20 of these. Please contact kariesml@yahoo.ca or call 613-657-1635.
Cardinal - The Cardinal Youth Group is seeking donations for their upcoming Wild Game Dinner fundraiser in support of the Centre to be held April 5th, 2014. Items still needed include: strong paper plates, bowls, dessert plates, napkins. Silent auction items of interest to hunters and anglers are also appreciated. Some donations of food items are also needed - please call for updated list. Please contact kariesml@yahoo.ca or call 613-657-1635.
Carleton Place District High School is hosting a Volunteer Fair April 15th, 2014. Need Volunteers? This Free event allows organizations to connect with students looking to achieve their 40 hours of community involvement activities. Table provided: Pre-registration required. To register you or your organization please call Jessica Smith 613-257-1704 or jsmith@carletonplace.ca
Lanark - The Lanark County Fire Department wants your old vehicles. Donate your old vehicle for them to use as a practice vehicle for the Jaws of Life rescue techniques. They'll pick your vehicle up and take it away for free. For more info call Carleton Automotive.com or phone 613-253-0569.
Lanark-Carleton - Second Kick Lanark-Carleton is seeking used soccer uniforms and equipment for economically disadvantaged children in Canada and around the world. Bring items to the Second Kick Drop Box at the Beckwith Indoor Soccer Field or Calvary Christian Academy, Hwy 15 Franktown. Donations are also welcome.
Prescott - The 7th Prescott Scouting Group is seeking community support to help send a contingent of youth from their joint Venturer Scout Company to Newfoundland in July 2014. Area Businesses and members of the community are invited to participate in their Sponsor 21 program - be one of 21 sponsors to donate $150 towards the remaining funds needed for the trip and in return the group will create a sign for each sponsor that will be displayed at all future fundraisers and scouting events. For more info please contact kariesml@yahoo.ca or call 613-657-1635.
Smiths Falls - The Smiths Falls Community Hospital Auxiliary is seeking volunteers for their meal assist program. Interested persons can contact Joanne Cleary at 613-283-1583.
Smiths Falls - RNJ Youth Services is looking for a Rebound table coach. For more information please contact the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau at 613-345-7000 or e-mail info@volunteercentre.ca. Visit the Centre at http://www.volunteercentre.ca
Look for Opportunity Knocks each week on Eastern Ontario Network!
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