I was alerted to the story of Edmonton artist, Aaron Paquette and his family via a post made by a friend, and though I wanted to share Aaron's story, I had no illusions that any words I might write could be more fittingly written than those that Aaron wrote himself.
I hope you will take a few minutes out of your busy day to read his words, and to pause to reflect on how quickly and senselessly the people we care about can be injured, broken, and simply taken away from us because we as a people are in a perpetual rush.
I find myself thinking about some of the odditites I've seen lately on the few outtings I've made these past several weeks. I'm still in limbo waiting for surgery so more often I've been a passenger and not the driver, but I am ever amazed at the casual stupidity of people.
We've all been warned not to text while driving ~ but should we really need to be told that putting on nail polish or makeup while you're driving isn't a great idea? One fellow actually had an obvious novel opened across his steering wheel as he drove.. one word fella.. AUDIOBOOK .. ok well maybe that's two.. but still..
As of this posting, Aaron's post had received 3552 "likes" and had been shared 6891 times. I hope that it had made you pause for thought, for even just a few moments.
Wishing your Mrs. a speedy recovery and return home. <3
Aaron's post.. as posted via his facebook page.. ( For more about Aaron and to watch for further updates feel free to check out his Artist's page: https://www.facebook.com/AaronPaquetteArt )

On Wednesday May 30, 9:10pm a body was shattered.
The body was that of my dear wife. She was just finishing up an evening jog with a friend when she was struck by a vehicle. It hit her and then ran over her, pinning her body beneath one of the tires.
Her friend was screaming at the driver but he was unaware there was anybody beneath the car.
Police and Emergency Medical personnel lifted the car from off her.
I was not yet aware of any of this as I was at home. Our 1 year old baby asleep in his crib.
Backtracking events leads us to the road snaking through our neighbourhood (she was only a few blocks from home), and a yield sign that was mostly ignored.
A car and an SUV had a contest of who could be more impatient, or who could text best while driving. Exactly what was going on in the two drivers’ minds I doubt we’ll ever know. But lack of concern, lack of precaution led to the accident. That we do know.
When I arrived on the scene there were dozens of people who had poured from their houses to see what was the matter. Emergency vehicles were on scene and my wife was in an ambulance.
She was alive. I asked her if she knew me and where she was. She looked into my eyes and blinked twice. Her whole body was shaking from the shock.
That’s when I noticed her wrist was snapped in half.
Her face was bloody and beginning to swell.
A couple of hours ago, after a long night of tears and waiting, we found out the rest. And there will be more to come.
Deep cuts, contusions and road rash all over her body and across her stomach.
All her ribs are broken.
There are tubes draining the blood that is gathering between her ribcage and her lungs.
Her liver and pancreas are lacerated.
Along with her wrist are broken fingers. This is her left arm. She is left handed.
She has fractured vertebrae. The worst is the T11. It’s obliterated. They will fuse the vertebrae around it with metal plates. There will metal plates holding her wrist together.
She will live.
She has many surgeries ahead and a long road to recovery. It’s uncertain yet if there will be any loss of limb function or if there will be any long term effects from concussion.
She will not be snuggling with our baby for a very long time. She won’t be doing any of the things she loves.
She loves to teach. She has a grade 3/4 split class. She was so excited to get back to them after her maternity leave and now she won’t be back for a very long time.
She loves to run. She was going to run a half marathon in two weeks.
She loves yoga.
She loves dancing.
She loves playing with the baby.
Right now she has tubes all over her, keeping her still, sedated, and alive.
Because someone couldn’t wait three seconds at a yield sign.
Because someone wasn’t paying attention as they drove a 1500 pound weapon.
I’m writing this to let everyone who is going to ask know what happened.
But I am also writing it to ask everyone who reads this to realize that as you scan these words someone is performing surgery on my beautiful darling.
Please slow down.
Please don’t text.
Please be patient.
And please remember that every time you sit in that car you take responsibility for lives you will never know except in passing. Literally.
Pass by. Pass by. Be aware and pass by.
And please, pray for my wife and especially for our little one who already misses his mommy.
We are blessed.
She is alive.
Please share this. Please let this horrific night make difference and save lives.
Please slow down and drive safe.
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