I set out Thursday
morning with a question posting to my Facebook page asking people if they
remembered where they were 38 years ago.
I then asked if they remembered where they were 8 years ago. Knowing the cheeky sort my group of friends
and colleagues tend to be, I wasn't surprised when a variety of answers rolled
I'd actually giggled
out loud that one friend wrote "I have problems with
yesterday.." We've all had days
like that.. I really wanted to
finish up my post and get it posted in a timely fashion yesterday but you know
how it goes. One meeting turns into 2,
and then 3, and before you know it, the Sandman is looking at you like a long
lost acquaintance.. So I'm a little
late, but it's every bit as relevant as it was 24 hours ago..
Seems somehow
appropriate that today, on #TBT that it be such a major occasion. First, in 1978 my parents gave me a bouncing
bundle of baby, a sister. The promise of
a life-long companion. Hard to believe
that little fart has gotten so darned old!
Funny how we often cannot remember what we had for breakfast this
morning, or what we did last week, but I remember meeting her for the first
time, and the first time my parents let me feed her a bottle like it was
yesterday. I'd told everybody when I
grew up, I was going to be a Mommy. My
next favourite gift was my "Baby Alive," just what every kid needs -
a baby that eats and poops. What can I
say? I was 8.
Speaking of 8…
8 years ago today, I
rolled through the giant power doors at Toronto's HRRH about to make one of the
biggest changes of my life. Weighing in
at well over 500 pounds, I'd been told that if I didn't take this step that I
would certainly be dead in 5 years.
Lymphedema had seen me gain 120 pounds over the last 5 years, and they
didn't believe that my heart could handle the toll of another 5 years forward..
I knew going in that
this would be a pivotal moment in my life and everything as I knew it would
change. I had no idea.. The gastric bypass had gone
very well, but a last minute decision by an anesthesiologist could have been
the end of everything. The late
intubation caused a distended bowel to essentially blow up, requiring massive
surgeries and several days in the ICU with my swollen belly covered in a clear
dressing so they could keep an eye on everything til they could close.
I can truly say that
my sweetheart knows me inside and out. I
cannot even imagine what he went through sitting by my bedside through all of
the horrors I would later hear about.
Realizing that I'd sustained major nerve damage in ICU leaving me bed
ridden. Taking all his vacation days so
he could stay in Toronto and be at the hospital with me daily. Commuting every weekend, and calling daily
once he had to come back to Cardinal for work.
I was going through my own trials, but looking back on it, I can't help but think of my teddybear and
the three little bears that were at home with Nana and Papa while all of this
was going in. I would be in hospital
just a few days shy of a year. My daughter
and I even rode an air ambulance to bring me back to Brockville for the last 3
months until an ankle sprain got me kicked out of rehab.
I've come an awfully
long way since the ambulance brought me home on a stretcher and deposited me
into my loaner wheelchair. I'd spent
several months living from recliner, to commode, to wheelchair in the corner of
my living-room. Homecare daily, physio
once a week - I still feel the anger of the condescending pat on the head and
"Don't worry, lots of people do just fine in a wheelchair."
The little voice in
my head would scream each time I heard it.
We'd been talking about finally getting married in August, I'd dreamed
of walking down the aisle. I would walk
again. Nobody would be rolling me down the aisle!! What some might call stubborn, I prefer to
call determination. I remember doing the
physio routine on my own in secret and hoping I wouldn't fall. I was not living out my days in a chair.
I'll never forget
the look on my hubby and youngest daughter's faces when I showed them my
surprise as I took my walker and walked down the hallway and back that first
time. It would still be much work after
that, but at least I was on the road to walking..
The day I finally
made the last payment on my new non-bariatric wheelchair and they came to
deliver it, the fellow was shocked when I got up and walked down the ramp
behind him with my cane. He tried to
hold me up. It was amusing. I went out
and opened the garage for him to put the chair inside before turning to show
him my new prized possession. An 8
seater Honda Odyssey that was my new "chair." He'd given me a big hug and congratulated me
for having come so far.. I won't forget
I still have a leg
brace for the foot that didn't come back, and though the Lymphedema is in much
better shape my teddybear still wraps my legs for me in bandages daily. I was left with 3 small hernias that decided a
merger was necessary and there have been a host of other issues since. I often hear of how miserable I ought to be,
or how much pain I must be in. I guess
that's just not me. I take it one day at
a time, make the absolute most of the good days, and try to let the bad ones
slide by unnoticed. There is never a
promise of a new tomorrow.
After all these
years, how can I be anything but grateful?
In the last 8
years.. To pick just one highlight
.. Impossible! When I think of all of the things I'd have
missed. I just cannot imagine. They say that at the end your life flashes
before your eyes but when I think of it, so many mundane things just don't
matter anymore. I think of my friends
and family, my work in the community, and I sometimes worry that I haven't done
enough to leave enough behind to be remembered for. That might sound odd, but after the doctor
tells you more than a couple of times that you almost died, you're lucky to be
alive -- you believe them!!
I realized my
life-long dream to work in local media.
I am forever thankful to a fellow volunteer who put me in touch with a
friend who could use an extra pair of hands.
I had never anticipated where life would take me after that initial
nervous e-mail. I have met some of the
most fabulously talented people in our community, and had the opportunity to be
involved in the promotion of organizations and events that I didn't even know
existed (and some that I did) in one way or another and have had the
opportunity to meet a variety of people that would never have known I
existed. I am proud to now call many of
them friends.
I was there to make
good on a promise made since childhood to be present if anything should
happen. I was there holding his hand
when my father took his last breath. Not
the sort of thing you want to remember, but when I consider the
alternative. I cannot imagine it.
![]() |
An early picture of Brayden with Grandma. He has already grown so much! |
And his big sister Adrianna - we call them pride and joy :)
So many people talk
about how they just want to go home and stay in bed for a weekend, or a
week. Been there, done that.. I've got to say I just don't see the allure
anymore. In comparison, I'm usually late
to go to bed, early to rise and non-stop go for as long as I can in
between. If not now, when? We never know when they'll turn out the
lights. I will make the most of whatever
time I am blessed to be given. We could
all benefit for being kinder to one another,
and being more grateful for what we have instead of always wanting
more. Volunteer your time, tell someone
you care. Do SOMETHING positive with
your life. Life's too short to spend it
And last, but
certainly not least, my Sweet James, I
will always be fabulously grateful for this life that you have given me. You shared your heart, your soul, and made me
a Mom to 3. You filled a place in my
world that I thought cancer had taken from me forever. You took a single girl, and gave her a
family, a home, and your life to share.
My life would be empty without you in it. So many firsts have come since we found each
other, and each new dream achieved or milestone reached is sweeter because you
are with me. I thank my lucky stars
every day that our introduction was made.
I still marvel sometimes at everything we got through to get here and
we're still standing. When we finally do
get to having that wedding we've been planning for the last almost 20 years, it
will certainly be for better and better.
We certainly have been through enough of the worse part. Bring on the balloons!
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