Tuesday, 11 February 2014

A little bit of kindness can go a long long way..

Over the last year or so, I have had the opportunity to have a number of conversations with friends, family and colleagues about the state of our world, and how even a little effort can solicit a wave of change. 

More recently I’d seen a few reports of the wave of #Neknominations that had gone horribly wrong, and then found myself inspired by a couple that put a positive twist on the whole movement. 

I first saw this one: 

Before a friend shared this Canadian version..  we don't know which one came first, but really it doesn't much matter..  

It got me thinking again about paying it forward, and how often something as simple as a smile to a stranger can set in motion a whole series of events.  We've all heard stories of people who reconsidered suicide after someone showed them some kindness -- a smile, or a few kind words.  
We all *need* that in our lives. 

My life (so far)  has had a variety of ups, downs and some serious medical issues.  Over the years I've had many lessons in what love and friendship look like, and what it means to care -- truly care -- about someone or something. 

Ultimately words are empty, it's the actions that carry us through.

So with that in mind, I have been approaching a variety of community initiatives and fundraisers and offering to pitch in.  I've held some fundraisers offering my discount, offered a variety of incentives for my classes and products involving the donation of a non-perishable food bank donation to name a few. 

Though I haven't really been publicizing it, I have tried to do at least one thing every month.  For quite a while things were very busy so my donations were more of a time and effort in volunteering variety,  but lately I've had the opportunity to be a little more involved. 

Nobody said that the efforts had to be huge..  Just that an effort had to be made.  Even $10 raised, is $10 more than they had before, right?

This month, I'm offering a draw for a free card class to anyone who brings in a non-perishable food donation to any one of my classes or events. 

I am also putting together a product basket for both Stampin' Up! And Epicure Selections to be donated to a couple of community projects.  Every little bit helps! 

Things have been pretty hectic and crazy in our world for the last while, between family illness and catching up on everything that we missed while we were away..  but still there is a strong desire to continually put some good karma out into thew world.  I like to think of it as my personal thank you for surviving everything life has thrown at me thus far - I cannot help but be grateful for all I have experienced and all that I have, despite sometimes overwhelming circumstances and odds.  I am one of the lucky ones that gets to call myself a survivor! 

Are you doing your part to help out in the community you live in? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's such an inspiration to hear of people putting some good back into the world!