I have been teasing friends and family for the last few weeks that a hat parade was coming. I don't think they believed me.
I have never been one for selfies or to take/post photos of myself. James made me promise I'd try to be a bit more diligent about journalling the journey this time around and I thought that this might be a fun thing to add.
Ever since the news of my balding head broke out in town, friends, neighbors, and colleagues have been messaging me telling me they're whipping up something, others have gone out and picked up hats.
I would be seriously remiss if I didn't share this generous outpouring of love and support.
Initially, I thought I'd do a fun Friday post, but thought that in most cases this could amuse the heck out of you on your Monday morning instead so here goes!
Today's lovely creation came to me by way of my fabulously talented friend Jamie Riddell who sent me an adorable photo of a cabbage patch hat a few weeks ago and said she was going to try and make it.
Not only did she make it, but she made a second hat that was so awesome that it caused great debate on which one I liked more and which would be worn first. I'm so glad I don't really have to choose. I love Love LOVE them both!!
Sadly I wasn't here when she dropped off the package, but I hope she heard my giggles and squeals when I got them inside and checked them out. 

This one seemed like a fabulous hat for a Monday morning! 

Thanks so much Jamie! You Rock! 

PS this would have been posted much earlier but seems I haven't cleared pics from my phone in a while and it was too full to let me have it. LOL I had to do some maintenance there before I could have my own darned photo - who knew? LOL